“Vishwa Jyothi Bhavan” Inaugurated by Hon. Governor of Kerala Arif Mohammed Khan in Kollam


Kollam: “Vishwa Jyothi Bhavan” in Kollam district of Kerala was dedicated for Baba’s services by Honorable Governor of Kerala Shri Arif Mohammed Khan in the presence of Shri. Adv.K.Raju,  Minister for Forest, Animal Husbandry & Zoos, Govt.of Kerala, Smt.Honey Benjamin, Mayor Kollam Corporation, Rajayogini BK Beena, Service Coordinator, Brahma Kumaris Centers in Tamil Nadu, Puducherry & South Kerala

Rajayogini BK  Kalavathy, Senior Rajayoga Teacher, Chennai Rajayogini Brahma Kumari Pankajam, Coordinator, Brahma kumaris, Kottayam, Kollam & Idukki.

Honorable Governor, Shri.Arif Mohammed Khan also inaugurated the Peace Conference – “Spirituality for Global Peace and Harmony” at Sopanam Auditorium, Kollam. 1000+ audiences participated in the program from all over Kerala and Tamil Nadu. There was very good media coverage and Baba’s message reached about 5.0 lakh homes and benefited them.

Honorable Governor speaking at the function said – Human civilization from the time of inception needed some form of organization to ensure their collective welfare. So unity was essential to maintain the organized set up. One can see all over the world humans get united either based on their ethnicity, language, religious denominations, customs and rituals, color of skin etc..

India is the only country in the world which has not used any of these as a basis for their unity.

Rishis had founded much loftier ideals and firmed up their unity, it was Aham Brahmasmi, Thathwamasi  ie. The same divinity that dwells in you dwells in me too… Even though we spoke different languages, worshipped different gods, practiced different customs and rituals, our basis of unity is Spiritual awareness, that is why India was considered as the Spiritual Knowledge hub of the World

BrahmaKumaris are doing the most noble service of imparting this spiritual awareness to everyone and they are the embodiment of spiritual awareness. It is only through spiritual awareness that real unity, peace and prosperity can be achieved. His excellency congratulated BKs for their selfless and dedicated services to humanity.

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