World No Tobacco Day Award to ​Dr. BK Banarasi


Jaipur: Dr. BK Banarasilal, Secretary, Medical Wing of Brahma Kumari, Mt. Abu has received award on the occasion of World No Tobacco Day from Government of Rajasthan Shri Kali Charan Saraf, Health Minister, Shri Bansidhar ji, State Minister of Health, Shri Naveen Jain, Secretary & Mission Director National Health Mission Rajasthan, Ms. Arushi, Additional Mission Director, Shri V.K. Mathur, Director Public Health, S.N. Dholpuria State Nodal officer are seen in the picture. ​

The award and appreciation letter is given for outstanding services in the field of De-addiction. Medical wing has provided training to  741 health professionals, including Deputy CMHO, Epidemiologists, IEC coordinators, district ASHA coordinator, Block ASHA facilitators, De-Addiction counsellors and health officers from each block of Rajasthan. The first batch of trainees were given training from 27th to 31st January 2018 and the 2nd batch was given training from 26th to 29th April, 2018 They were given training in spiritual approach of counselling the addicts and some other strategies to provide preventive, awareness and curative services for the addicts.

The government was overwhelmed with result of training as they found the health professional self-motivated. They gave more than the expected results. So government decided to give appreciation letter and SOUVENIR to the organization for its outstanding services in the field of de-addiction.

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