“Yoga: Return to the Heart of the Source”-Brahma Kumaris at UN


New York (USA): IDY Committee at the United Nations yoga event was held at the prestigious Tillman Chapel of the UN Church Center in celebration of the 5th anniversary of International Day of Yoga (IDY).

The program opened with a brief introduction to Yoga Day by Denise Scotto, Esq. Chair, IDY Committee at the UN, attorney-at-law and policy advisor. This was followed by the melodious singing of Heather Lee, soprano, performer and educator, filling the the room with light and opening hearts to love.

Doriano Miletic, Yoga Instructor and Board member, Yoga in Daily Life-New York, brought all to a  very relaxed state by means of various yoga postures and simple stretches.

There was then a captivating conversation between Bruce Cryer, CEO, HeartMath organization and proclaimed performer; BK Gayatri Naraine, Vice Chair, IDY Committee at the UN and UN representative of the Brahma Kumaris who practices Raja Yoga; and Denise Scotto as moderator.

BK Gayatri clarified that Raja Yoga is about self realization. She stated that we are in the habit of looking outward as our face is facing out! For self realization, we need to start looking inward. As self-compassion gets developed, we gradually begin to understand ourselves for who we are – peace, love, and happiness. In other words, self-love is essential for self realization.

Bruce then shared that HeartMath is about understanding the broader functions of the heart and the relationship it has the brain. He told there’s an electric field in everything, including emotions. These have an effect on the field of the heart which can extend as far as 10 ft. That’s why we can sense what someone is feeling even without they saying anything. Our feelings produce a biochemical that affects our heart. The heart then responds to our feelings. It is therefore recommended that we try to maintain positive and uplifting thoughts. This increases the health of the heart.

After this rich dialogue, audience were enthralled by the singing of Heather. The song she chose was one that Mahatma Gandhi wrote while he was in prison!! It was all about empowering the self.

In conclusion, it is essential that we spend ample time daily practicing Raja Yoga Meditation to ensure a healthy mind that then creates empowering thoughts to which the heart responds accordingly.

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