“New SETUP for New Year” Festive Performance for Children in St. Petersburg


St. Petersburg ( Russia ): A Public lecture and a festive performance for children “New SETUP for New Year” was organized at St. Petersburg Center of Brahma Kumaris “Lighthouse”.

BK Santosh, Director of St. Petersburg Center of Brahma Kumaris, BK Vijay Kumar, Regional coordinator of Brahma Kumaris in Russia and CIS, Santa Klaus were the main speaker for the event.

BK Santosh said that,  Unity is the best strategy if we want to do something that out size, our possibilities. I’m very proud of the place where I study, of this University, because it has very special method of  assessment of one’s spiritual progress. This assessment is done not on the basis of how many years you are practicing the life of spiritual principles. But on the basis of three certificates: are others contented with you, are you contented with yourself and whether God is contented with you.

BK Vijay Kumar said that, Where there is a will, there is a way. Not always every problem is solved in your favour. But will power is challenging power. It does not care of victory and defeat. And also, the quality of the will is always positive.

Shared title of two New Year programmes was “Новый год на новый Лад”. Russian word “Лад” (“lad”) has several meanings in Russian: harmony, mood, mode, order, arrangement. So, the most common translation of the title would be “New SETUP for New Year”.

On the first programme, BK Santosh and BK Vijay answered on questions of guests and also shared a few thoughts on topics of the title: methods for constant contentment, hopes and powers which are coming from inside the original state of a soul. Many people may also know that in Russia, celebration of New Year is considered as the most significant festive event related with new hopes and plans for the future.

Second festive event was dedicated to children and their parents. Key episode of performance was the drama “Magic Light”. Famous old tale of Cinderella turned into a story of awakening different virtues wend Magic Moon came on the stage. She helped to modern children to understand themselves and children in turn could help even to Cinderella. Seeing this, even parent became like children by seeing new sense of old tale. All children were enjoying by getting divine gifts and sweets from hands of Santa Klaus (“Ded Moroz” in Russian) supported by his young assistant Snegurochka. Halls and museum of Lighthouse became playgrounds for children.

The song “To follow the path of good” at the end of video was performed by young BK Taisia.

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