Eminent Persons Pay Tribute to Dadi Janki


Mount Abu (RJ: Gen. Bipin Rawat, Chief of Defence Staff of India, Shri Om Birla, Lok Sabha Speaker; Shri JP Nadda, National President of Bharatiya Janta Party; Dr. Mahesh Sharma, Member of Parliament; Shri Shashi Tharoor, Member of Parliament; Dr. C. P. Joshi, Speaker of the Rajasthan Legislative Assembly; Shri T.S. Singh Deo, Health Minister of Chhattisgarh; Swami Ramdev, Sri Ravi Shankar, Acharya Lokesh Muni; Ministry of External Affairs, Malaysia and many eminent personalities and organizations sent condolence messages on the demise of Dr. Dadi Janki, Former Chief of the Brahma Kumaris.

♠  Message from Mr Om Birla, Speaker, Lok Sabha (Lower House of Parliamanent)  ♠

♠  Message from  General Bipin Rawat, Chief of Defence Staff of India ♠

On the demise of Dr Rajyogini Dadi Janki, the Chief Administrator of Brahma Kumaris, I convey deep felt condolences to one of the largest spiritual organisations. Dadi Janki has been an inspiration to mankind and women in particular. The unique work on cleanliness of mind, soul and external hygiene provided all those associated with the organisation, a fora for coming together for of propagation human values.

Mr Shoojit Sircar, Filmmaker:

Renowned Filmmaker and National Award Winner Shoojit Sircar gives his tribute to the departed legend – Beloved Dadi Jankiji. He shares the sweet memories, his meeting with Dadi and hopes that she will be now sitting with Baba and discussing the future plans to complete the mission of transformation.

Please find the link attached.



Prof. Srikant Kumar Sarangi, Professor,Department of Communication and Psychology, Cardiff, London, UK:

Omshanti. With much sadness,  we received this news.

While having a strong presence through her global institutional leadership over so many years, Rev. Dadiji successfully sustained her child like simplicity- the pure form of joy and peace. This is what made her a superstar as she unfailingly earned love-cum-respect of all who came into contact with her.
Warm regards
Prof. Srikant Kumar Sarangi
Gajapati Dibyasingha Dev, Maharaja of Puri:

Dadi Janaki was a personification of purity, simplicity and divine love. She will be missed by her children around the world. May the Lord rest her soul in eternal peace.


Swami Samarpanananda Giri, Hariharananda Gurukulam, Prajnana Mission, Cuttack, Odisha:

The Lingering Fragrance of Her Sweet Memory

Most Loving Dadi Jankiji’s passing away from the realm of Prajapita Brahmakumaris cannot be considered as the end of her leela on earth. As her name suggests that she is a Baidehee meaning in bodiless existence. As immortal Baidehee she will be with her disciples and devotees forever. 

I remember, for the first time when I met Dadiji at Mount Abu, that was my birthday and she heaped on me lots of gifts equaling the number of my age. She not merely looked upon me as her younger brother but used to remember and demand my visit to Mount Abu on various occasions. Anytime I visited that place I was getting a private audience at her personal cottage. 

Last time, in Puri, during the great celebration of her 100th birthday, I was with her on the dais and I still remember of giving her a beautiful painting of Shri Jagannath, the Lord of the universe. Revered Gajapati Majharaj at that time commented that Samarpananandaji has brought the blessings of the Lord and that with love and golden smile between the lips she looked at the painting for few moments fixing her one pointed attention there. She invited me to have dinner with her Majesty on that day. 

I had the opportunities to have discussions with her on several aspects of spirituality. I cannot forget her love and compassion for me. 

With an innumerable large devotees of Dadiji, I offer my heartfelt condolences on her ending the mortal leela. I still enjoy and inhale the lingering fragrance of the sweet memory of her sweet association. In the history of India her name will be recorded as one of the greatest spiritual leaders of mankind. 

Lovingly pray and expect Her exalted soul to revisit this globe once again for the cause of spreading love, compassion and joy. 

Most affectionately,

Swami Samarpanananda Giri


Mr. Gyanendra Bir Bikram Shah Dev, Former King of Nepal 

Sister Mohini
Regional Director, Brahma Kumaris, Americas and Caribbean
Dadi Janki’s life reflects the light of Baba in all His glory.
She is the intellect of the wise. Her words adorned souls with profound
truths that made them sparkle in Baba’s drishti.She is the heart of the world. Her every heart beat was to the rhythm of
world service as she touched what was real and true in everyone’s heart.She is the conscience of the yagya. Her every step upheld Baba’s shrimat
with love and law.Perhaps this is why the world was compelled to come to a stand-still to
honor the passing of such an amazing soul.The earth stood still and the subtle region opened its doors to welcome
the ‘angel of grace’ How proud Baba must be to embrace his favorite Janak.Dadi, you always taught us to look for the secret in every situation,
even when the significance is not obvious.As the significance of this particular moment reveals itself to us —
We will continue to listen to your angelic voice of om shanti, om
shanti, om shanti.
We will continue to see your finger of encouragement
We will continue to be uplifted by the purity in your eyesWe will continue to follow in the footsteps of our dearest and most
beloved guardian angel, as you take us beyond limits to new and
wonderful heights.Sister Mohini
on behalf of the
Americas and Caribbean
Tribute to
Dadi Janki

Brahma Kumaris, Los Angeles:

Dear Global Family,
Greetings of peace and Om Shanti.
Our most beloved and revered BK Dadi Janki, Spiritual Head of the Brahma Kumaris passed on from this physical life early today, March 27, 2020 at 2:00 AM in Global Hospital at the headquarters of the Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University in Mt. Abu, Rajasthan, India. The soul has flown and is now in God’s lap. Dadi Janki was 104 years of age.
It is a good time to pay silent homage to this tireless spiritual server who has meant so much to so many. We treasure the wealth of personal lessons in wisdom and courage she shared throughout her life. Dadi Janki was an inspiration to many. She was a true world mother, a practical example of purity and simplicity and a highly respected spiritual teacher. She was a wisdom keeper and her words adorned souls with profound truths. Her heart continually beat to the rhythm of world service as she touched what was real and true in everyone’s heart, thus, being the heart of the world.
Dadi Janki’s world service was always combined with her remembrance of God, always pointing upward as a reminder that we are all connected to God if we remember Him. Let us connect in the remembrance of the One to whom she dedicated her life.
Below is one of her many and very effective lessons.
Determination leaves no gap
Between thought and action.
Dadi Janki
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