‘National Community Radio Award’ to Radio Madhuban by ​Ministry of I & B, Govt. of India


Delhi: Radio Madhuban has been conferred with “National ​Community Radio Award-2016”. The 6th National Community Radio ​Sammelan​ has been organized by ​​Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, at Vigyan Bhawan, New Delhi. From across India, 192 Community Radio Stations participated in this event. Every year, the Ministry gives Community Radio Station Awards in 5 different areas.​

This year, Radio Madhuban of Brahma Kumaris received this award ​​”​National ​Community Radio Award-2016” for its ​progam “Hamari Sarkar Hamre Adhikar” ​​. This award has been given for its services in the area of “Community Participation”, out of 5 different areas. This award has been conferred by ​​Shri Arun Jetly, Hon’ble Minister of Information Broadcasting and ​​Shri Rajya Vardhan Singh Rathore, Hon’ble Minister State Minister of Information and Broadcasting to BK Yashwant, Station Head, Radio Madhuban.

This award has been give especially for the program “Our Government, Our Rights”. This program has been specially designed for the tribal people of Mount Abu. In total, 14 episodes of this unique program have been ​broadcasted and awareness about the Government project – “PESA Act”, has been given. Local authorities have also been invited to address these tribal people to listen to their problems, so that possible solution can be provided. These authorities also visited Radio Madhuban, and gave information about this Government Act through “Phone-In” Program. This award has been conferred because the Radio Madhuban connected more people with the Government.​

News CR Award 2016 – Radio Madhuban.pdf

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