Grand Sports Conclave on “Winning the Game of Mind” in Hyderabad


Hyderabad(TS): The Sports Wing of Hyderabad organised a grand Sports Conclave on “Winning the Game of Mind” at Global Peace Auditorium, Brahma Kumaris – Shanti Sarovar, Hyderabad on Saturday, 26th November 2022 from 9.30 am to 1.00 pm. The event was organized in a very grand way and thousands of sports players, administrators, youth, and sports enthusiasts attended from various sports academies, stadiums, schools and institutions.

The programme was designed in a unique way with short inputs by dignitaries from 6 different departments of sports like sports administration, sports fitness, sports coaching, sports journalism, sports psychology and sports nutrition. The main concept of the programme was to drive the sports fraternity towards the understanding of the role of the mind power in sports and to empower it through different techniques like Meditation, Visualisation, Affirmations etc. Artistic Skating, theme-based dance performances and live songs were some more special attractions of the event. 

Chief guest: Hon’ble Minister of Sports, Sri V Srinivas Goud, Govt. of Telangana State

Blessings: Rajyogini BK Kuldeep Didi, Vice Chairperson, Sports Wing

Special Guests:

MSK Prasad, Former BCCI Chief Selector & Cricket Commentator

Ramesh Nagapuri, Dronacharya Awardee, National Athletics Coach,

Dr. P Ravi Shankar, National Archery Coach,

VV Subrahmanyam, Deputy Editor (Sports), The Hindu

Dr. C Veerender, Sporty Psychologist

Aradhana Sharma, High-Performance Nutrition Consultant

BK Dr. Jagbir Singh, National Coordinator, Sports Wing 

Keynote Speaker:

BK EV Gireesh, International Motivational Speaker & Life Coach

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