“THE POWER OF TRANSFORMATION” : A Festive program in Moscow


Moscow ( Russia ): The festive program “THE POWER OF TRANSFORMATION” took place at the Brahma Kumaris Centre in Moscow on 27th November and was dedicated to Diwali and New Year. This program completed the cycle “Russia – India: Binding Threads” dedicated to the 75th anniversary of the independence of fraternal India.

To mark the victory of light and goodness, the senior teachers of Brahma Kumaris Didi Sudha and BK Vijay as well as the honoured guests lit the candles and extended their hearty greetings. Among the honorable guests there were Mr. Rakesh Kumar,  Programne Officer at Jewaharlal Nehru Cultural Centre(JNCC), Mrs. Galina Pacheko-Reynaga, Director of the Centre of social help to family and children “Vostochnoye Degounino”, and Mrs. Lyubov Gordina,  the Doctor of Philosophy, the honoured cultural worker of Russia.

The artists from the JNCC Centre performed beautiful songs and dances about the “Return of Prosperous Golden Bharat”  that became a wonderful decoration and created a magic atmosphere.

India and Russia have a lot in common. This time, the program featured characters from Russian fairy tales and Indian epics. The Indian goddess Kali and the Russian Baba Yaga met on the stage to discuss the important issues on how to transform the world. They realized that all the magic objects lost their power. They want to help the world which is under the influence of evil symbolyzed by Ravan in India and ugly Koshey in Russia, but they don’t know how.

And the White Fairy represented by Didi Sudha, the Director of the BK Centre, explained that all transformation begins from within and the Only One who can help us to restore our inner power is God the Supreme. He transforms the souls making them from ugly beautiful.

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