Nation​al​ Gaurav Award 2017 to Dr. B.K.Binny Sareen

Delhi : ​

National Gaurav 2017 celebrated at Vigyan Bhawan New Delhi with aim to create awareness and motivation among the performers for building foundation of New India. This event was dedicated to  Vision of Prime Minister of India Shri  Narendra Modi -Nai Soch Nai Umeed and celebrate Pride Indian Nationality [ Bhartiyata Ka Utsav ]. More than 12 states participated in this program  and Awards were given in 30 different categories to both Govt and Non. Govt.  individuals.

Dr. B.K.Binny received National Gaurav Award [Rastra Gaurav] for her special contribution towards the nation and achievements in category of GLOBAL PEACE DIPLOMAT.
Dr. B.K.Binny shared the greetings from Brahma Kumaris Mount Abu and role of Brahma Kum​a​ris in Nation building.
This 3rd National  Gaurav Award  event was organised by Devender Panwar  President Indian Brave Hearts foundation and trustee Monisha Bhatia, Vice President Advocate Ashwani Dubey, Padamshree Dr. Shyam Singh ji. H.H.Pujya Swami Chidanand Sarswati ji, Hon​’ble Shri Indresh Kumar Pr​e​sident RSS and Shri Sandeep Marwah ji and more than 1500 del​e​gates all over india were present in this event.
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