Program on “Aging with Dignity” on Senior Citizens Day at Happy Village


Chennai ( Tamil Nadu ): More than 1,000 senior citizens participated and received benefit on Senior Citizens Day celebrated by the Brahma Kumaris in an event “Aging with Dignity” at its Happy Village Retreat Center in Sunguvarchatram.

Inauguration of the program was done by Senior Rajayoga Teacher BK Kalavathy who delivered a welcome address for the gathering.  Dr. BK Mahesh Hemathri, PG Diploma in Geriatrics, came from Mt. Abu, Rajasthan, to felicitate the program. Mr. M.S Manoharan, Managing partner, S.M. Sillks, Kancheepuram, also graced the occasion.

Dr. Hemathri said that “Senior citizens in Tamil Nadu give more attention to physical and mental health.”

Mr. M.S. Manoharan delivered the greetings, and said that senior citizens are the group of people who have an interest in uplifting the spiritual morale of society. Tamilnadu zonal coordinator BK Beena shared inspirations with the participants.

BK Chitra guided everyone in experiencing the depth of Meditation in her Rajayoga commentary.

Dr. Prabhakar, Asst. Professor, Government Medical College, Vellore, spoke about “How to keep ourselves Happy and Light”.

BK Sivaramakrishnan, Learning and Development head of Apollo Children Hospitals, guided everyone in practicing spiritual exercise.

BK Jansirani, Rajayoga teacher of Annanagar, shared a meditation commentary for all, and the one-day program ended with a wonderful experience of deep silence.

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