Soul Consciousness for Freedom from Bondage


The eternal puzzle that has mystified the human mind since ages is: ‘Who am I?’ Prophets, mystics and scriptures have explained the Self as an eternal entity that is distinct from the physical identity that we get attached to.

An insight that has been understood and shared by many is that we are not the mortal, perishable physical body; we are immortal beings- spirits embodied in physical forms. Yet to live in consciousness of that eternal spirit is a spiritual pilgrimage, a deep tapasya or penance of another kind; not an easy task. But being soul consciousness is the real way to break free of all limitations created by human mind and karmic bondages.

In soul consciousness, we become aware of being the eternal spirit imbued with divine nature that includes peace, joy, love, truth and bliss. A soul conscious being is able to live from this identity of being God’s child and hence is able to reflect godliness and purity in an unconditional way. For a soul conscious person, peace, joy and love will not be conditional to people, place, position or situation.

It is said knowledge liberates. The knowledge of the self as being originally pure, peaceful and loving liberates us from fear, insecurity, selfishness, ego and all kinds of pettiness that binds us in a vicious cycle of ignorance and suffering.

Soul consciousness makes us nirakari, nirvikari, nirhankari-bodiless, vice less and egoless, the soul’s true nature. It is soul consciousness that helps us go beyond all vices and live in a state of natural purity.

Soul consciousness makes us realise that no matter what happens by way of loss or gain, success or failure, praise or defamation – we can still remain stable and peaceful because ‘I the soul’ cannot lose anything. What happens in life’s journey is a karmic play of cause and effect but the soul is the master- creator who can go on creating and manifesting all that is good within.

It is not renunciation of worldly roles or relationships that sets us free; it is the renunciation of egocentric consciousness that liberates us. Instead of chasing desires, clinging, attaching, grabbing and holding on and living in a state of constant insecurity and fear of loss, we begin to live like carefree spirits.

A Rajyogi is a person who has attained self-sovereignty by positioning himself in the seat of highest self-respect that comes from realisation of one’s true worth. Such a person remains unshakeable in all situations.

Soul consciousness can be practised through rajyoga meditation in the awareness of being soul, while playing worldly roles. It is the only way to unite and live in universal brotherhood. Our unconditional love and care for fellow beings and God can be really experienced in soul consciousness.

Each soul is like a pure diamond radiating several qualities but it is only when it comes in a role and express itself through the medium of the body that its value shines forth. A diamond has to be studded in a piece of metal like gold to express its radiance and value.

When we are soul- conscious, our sense of identity is derived from the inherent worth of the soul, rather than from the limited roles that make us feel superior or inferior. Egocentric identity of self-interferes with the purpose of the soul in this world which is to realise itself by perfecting its union with God and with other souls in the world.

B. K. Brijmohan – Chief Spokesman of the Brahma Kumaris

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