Talk on “​A Spiritual Route to Health and Well-being​”


London: The afternoon program, exploring the connection between Spirituality, Health & Wellbeing, started with a welcoming song by Anne Malone, an internationally recognised singer, songwriter and therapist in Sacred Sound. Masana De Souza then gave a meditation commentary, using the healing power of colours, to set the scene, with Anne playing singing bowls and guitar gently in the background.

The audience was then introduced to a panel of 3 experienced meditators, interviewed by Marina, consisting of

  • Alka Patel, PA to Sister Jayanti, Director for Brahma Kumaris for Europe and the Middle East.
  • Masana de Souza, Consultant in Change Management, Cultural Diversity, Conflict Management & Authentic Conversation and Life Coach
  • Dr Pavan Kumar, Principal Dentist at a Dental Centre in Perival, UK

The panellists spoke on their experience of the connection between spirituality and wellness.

Pavan mentioned that dentistry is in the top 3 professions for suicide and substance abuse, the stress levels are generally very high. He said that Raja Yoga meditation allowed him to connect to inner calmness and control the pressure of the work place.

Alka shared the realisation of the power of Belief, the need of accepting medication with love for it to work and that truth is always within us, underneath any negativity.

Masana described how her exceptionally busy life-style led to her not being able to work for several months. She said meditation and spiritual knowledge gave her a new lifestyle with more sacred spaces. She also came to realise the importance of diet and eating with higher consciousness, taking a minute out at various times during the day for herself to reconnect, and holding the highest vision for all.

The afternoon continued with gentle movements and a Healing Meditation Workshop led by Masana, accompanied by a sound bath experience with singing bowls by Anne.

Participants shared their experiences in pairs.

Points that were shared included:

  • Self-compassion
  • Having an attitude of partnership between mental wellness and body
  • Taking care of the self: mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually
  • Checking my mood, thoughts and feelings during the day and change them if necessary
  • Experiencing mindfulness with nature

After a refreshment break, Sister Jayanti joined the group and shared her interesting insights on the connection of health and meditation. She herself experienced a car accident requiring 14 stitches to her lower lip, which were inserted with only meditation as an anaesthetic. She assigned the remarkably quick recovery and little sign remaining to her pure diet and pure lifestyle.

She said that the state of happiness affects the immune system of the body and that can have a profound effect on well-being.

She also described how the genes we carry can give rise to specific illnesses that seem to run in families. However, she said these genes can be expressed or suppressed according to the environment and lifestyle of the soul. If you maintain calmness and stability, you are able to manage whatever life throws at you. It requires that you become a master of the self through an awareness of spirituality.

The program was concluded by a powerful and beautiful meditation led by Sister Jayanti, a sweet treat and positive affirmation card for all participants.

70 people attended the programme in person and many visited the Facebook page as it was being live-streamed. The video record can be seen at:

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