“Good Bye to Diabetes” Programme by Brahma Kumaris in Visakhapatnam


Visakhapatnam (AP): A 2-day program on “Goodbye to Diabetes”, arranged by the Brahma Kumaris of MVP Colony at Central Park here.  Dr. Srimant Sahu, the Senior Diabetologist  from Global Hospital and Research Centre, Mt Abu spoke about the main causes of Diabetes. Family history, Modern lifestyle, Environmental factors, Obesity, Overeating, Overweight, Drugs containing steroids, use of Chemical fertilizers, Pesticides in farming, Tension and Stress in the workplace are some of the main causes in becoming Diabetic. He said that 25% in cities and only 5% in villages are suffering with Sugar complaints because rural people toil hard physically, while in cities mental activities are more. He said that it is a Silent Killer because by the time it is known most of the organs are already damaged. He said that having a Sweet Nature is very good for health but Sweet Blood Sugar is hazardous for health.

Dr. Sahu then reassured that Diabetes is totally preventable by sincere Holistic approach that involves Proper Diet Control, Simple Physical Exercise and Regular Rajayoga Meditation. He said, “Man is not a machine to be repaired in the hospitals. He must have the knowledge about the Self for holistic (spiritual) health of Mind, Body and Family (Society)”.

He further said, “To manage Diabetes one must have a Positive and Peaceful Mind, and a Loving and Generous Heart, thereby he becomes mentally, physically, socially, financially, emotionally and intellectually healthy. Thus diabetic condition is totally vanished.”

In the evening session the audience were mainly enlightened about the food to be taken and not to be taken, in order to keep Diabetes at bay and be safe from Heart Attack, Paralysis, Stroke, Blood Pressure, Cancer, Kidney Failure, Retinopathy, Dental Complications, Amputations and so on.  Lastly it was suggested to the audience to learn Rajayog Meditation at any Brahma Kumaris Centre which is very essential to maintaining Holistic Health.
Dr. Srimanth Sahu began the morning and evening sessions with 30-minute Walking Yoga exercises with musical rhythm in which nearly 2,000 people (walkers and joggers) took part. Before the closing session, free Blood Sugar and Blood Pressure check-ups were conducted for all those who were present on the occasion.
On the occasion Dr. Mrs. Satyasri, Chest Specialist; BK Supriya, Chief Editor of the Daily News from Mount Abu;  BK Rama, Centre in-Charge of HB Colony, Visakhapatnam; and BK Satyavati, Centre in-Charge, MVP Colony, Visakhapatnam, the main organiser of this two-day program, were also there.
BK Satyavati requested the people present to understand the serious implications of this Silent Killer and follow the instructions given by BK Dr. Srimant Sahu and also learn Rajayoga for their own good. She expressed her feelings, thanking each and every person for making it a great success with their hearty co-operation.
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