Brahma Kumaris Celebrate Green Diwali


Abohar: Brahma Kumaris on Wednesday celebrated Green Diwali at Rajyoga Bhawan in Abohar town of Punjab.

Centre head BK Pushplata and Rajyoga teacher BK Sunita spoke about the
significance of festival of lights and motivated the gathering to avoid polluting environment by fireworks and crackers. “We will be answerable to the third generation children if they find it difficult to enjoy environment free of noise and air pollution, they said.

The centre-head BK Pushplata was joined by BK Darshana, BK Sunita, BK Nirmal Dureja, BK Shalu, Lekhak Parishad President Raj Sadosh and other dignitaries in lighting of traditional lamps; it was followed by cake ceremony.

A cultural programme, filled with devotion and spirituality was organised on the occasion. Anu played as Goddess Luxmi, Veenu as Saraswati. Starting the programme with Shri Ganesh Vandana dance by Guneet and Pranav duo was followed by beautiful dances by Rishika, Mehak, Yaksha, Smriti, Kanishka and a song by Arjun. Punjabi song-based dance by Drishti enthralled the audience in the last phase of the function. EOM

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