Grand Silver Jubilee Celebrations of Gyansarovar at Mount Abu


Mount Abu (RJ): The Gyan Sarovar Academy of Brahma Kumaris at Mount Abu, celebrated its Silver Jubilee in a grand manner for three days. 

Ms. Sunita Duggal, Member of Parliament from Sirsa, was the special guest on the second day of celebrations. While speaking on this occasion, she said that the spiritual knowledge of India is illuminating the whole world today. The spiritual power visible in people on this path, makes the society follow them instinctively. Ancient Indian culture always gave the message of peace and harmony to the world. The dedication with which the Brahma Kumaris Organization works for humanity, will soon bring peace on this earth.

BK Nirwair, Secretary General of Brahma Kumaris, said that spirituality is an effective way to maintain equanimity in thought, word and deed. From the soil of India, work is being done to give the light of right knowledge to the world and remove the darkness of ignorance.

BK Sister Shivani, Renowned Motivational Speaker, in her address, said that the Supreme Truth is valuable, but to maintain it in daily life is much more valuable. The human nature is such that it forgets to enjoy the present, focusing more on the problems of the past and future. Spirituality teaches us the way to do right karmas or actions.

BK Dr. Nirmala, Director of Gyan Sarovar and Director of Brahma Kumaris in Australasia thanked everyone for being part of the celebration with zeal and enthusiasm.

BK Asha, Head of the Administrative Wing of Brahma Kumaris, said that absolute continence, pure food, company of holy people and inculcating divine attributes are the hallmarks of a spiritual life.

BK Jayanti, European Director of Brahma Kumaris, said that constant striving is needed to perfect oneself on the spiritual path.

BK Santosh, Chairperson of the Social Service Wing, said that today the human mind is filled with fear, anger and hatred. Rajayoga can help achieve a positive and healthy mental state.

BK Mohini from New York, in her remarks, said that spirituality brings good values in life. It empowers one to be successful in all undertakings.

BK Brijmohan Anand, Chairperson of Poltical Services Wing, said that people of all religions want to feel spiritual bliss in their lives. Self knowledge is needed to experience lasting peace in life.

BK Shashi, National Co-ordinator of Sports Wing, said that purity in thought, word and deeds, is the solution to all problems.

BK Mruthyunjaya, Chairperson of the Education Wing, said that it is due to the scarcity of spiritual principles, that the clouds of war are moving over the world today. Rajayoga helps cleanse the mind of its bad tendencies.

A cultural evening with felicitation ceremony of all dedicated Brahma Kumars and Kumaris of Gyansarovar was organized, where the inspiring stories of construction and establishment of Gyansarovar were shared and blessings  were given for the Godly services being carried out at the place.

Celebrations continued on the third day with the felicitation of Senior Rajayogis from India and abroad who bestowed blessings to Gyansarovar and residents of Gyansarovar for serving people tirelessly from all over the world.

Spiritual talk on the topic “Creating Your Destiny” with BK Shivani was organized on the first day for the public of the local area.

Messages were received for Silver Jubilee celebrations of Gyan Sarovar from Mr Narendra Modi, Honorable Prime Minister of India; Mr. Ramnath Kovind, Honorable President of India; Mr. Venkaiah Naidu, Honorable Vice-President of India and Mr. Om Birla,Honorable Speaker, Lok Sabha (Lower House of Parliament) of India.
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