Hon. Doctorate Degree to Rajyogini Dadi Hridaya Mohini, Addl. Chief of Brahma Kumaris

Mount Abu: Revered Rajyogini Dadi Hridaya Mohini, Addl. Chief of Brahma Kumaris is awarded Honorary Doctor of Literature Degree for her outstanding services to the society during the Seventh Convocation of Vijayanagara Sri Krishnadevaraya University of Ballari, Karnataka. As Dadiji is under medical care in Mumbai, she was not physically present to receive the honour. Rajyogi BK Mruthyunjaya, Executive Secretary of Brahma Kumaris received the award on her behalf. 
On this occasion the Vice-Chancellor of Vijayanagara Sri Krishnadevaraya University Prof. M.S. Subhas, Chairman of All India Council for Technical Education Prof. Anil D Sahasrabudhe, Registrar Prof. B K Tulasimala, the Members of the Syndicate and the Academic Council of the University and graduating students were present. 


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