“Police Administration and Public Co-operation” Event by Brahma Kumaris Hathras


Hathras (Uttar Pradesh): At the Sri Dawooji Maharaj Festival, the Brahma Kumaris of Anandpuri Colony, Hathras in Uttar Pradesh, arranged a public program on “Police Administration and Public Co-operation,” with an objective to improve the relationship and the cooperation between police and the public.

It was inaugurated with lightning the lamps by Mr. Siddhartha Shankar Meena, Superintendent of Police; Prof. Dr. KVSM Krishna, Chancellor of Mangalayatan University; Mr. Siddhartha Verma, Deputy Superintendent of Police; Mr. Ashish Sharma, Municipal Chairman; Mr. Ramshabd, Circle Inspector; BK Saroj, Centre in Charge, Kasgunj; Mr. Harish Sharma, Advocate, and BK Shanta, Local Centre in Charge. A welcome dance was performed by child Gopika, on a song, “Soft Breeze is humming ….”

Superintendent of Police Siddhartha Shankar Meena as a Chief Guest addressed the elite gathering of police personnel with a poetic line, “Saw the Smile on my lips, My friends didn’t see inside me, the Ocean of my Sorrows….” He said, “Everyone is under tension, I too have. Due to fall of happiness level in India and the tension, many educated and wise Officers commit suicide. Sometimes even under tensionful situations we are forced to smile”.

As a main speaker BK Saroj said, “Tension is also caused due to our habit of comparing ourselves with others, and continually thinking of them. We have Ten Sons to take care of, who always bring us Tension – Lustful Desire, Anger, Greed, Attachment, Ego, Jealousy, Hatred, Disliking, Revenge and Violence.”

Prof. KVSM Krishna, praising the Brahma Kumaris for their efforts to guide the public in co-operating with Police Administration to have a tension-free relationship with them, said that it is possible only by these Messengers of Peace. He said that we must remain safe from competitions in social life.

Mr. Ashish Sharma said that jealousy and hatred are the main causes of tension. The way to get rid of them is available only with the Brahma Kumaris.

Mr. Siddhartha Verma said that in India we have only one policeman for every 700 people. Out of that, only lakhs of policemen are given as personal security to VIPs. They are not only meant to save society from the thieves and culprits, but in some cases they have to fetch test reports from the laboratory, during the political elections they have to control the social movements of the people, secure the national heritages and maintain law and order of such a vast country.

Harish Sharma, while narrating the role of Police in Government activities for the good of the public, stated that they are expected to extend their help and cooperation to people in need.

Mr. Kushalpal Singh Pourush, the BJP Minister of State, also gave his best wishes to all.

Poet Chacha Hathrasi entertained the audience with comedy and jokes while singer Deepak Rafi rendered beautiful songs. Tanu and Gopika sang a song, “Earth is swaying under the Sky ….”

On this occasion BK Shanta felicitated Mr. Manoj Sharma, Inspector, Hathras Junction SHO; Mr. Suresh Pal Singh, RI; Mr. Vinod Kumar, Inspector, and Mr. Om Prakash, Fireman. At the same time BK Shanta was being honoured by the District Collector Mr. Praveen Kumar Lakshkar, for her abilities to organize such a great function.

The International Human Rights President, Mr. JP Tiwari with his Associates; RTC Mr. Kamlesh Kumar, Assistant Managers, Policemen and Trainee Policemen were also present on the occasion.

Mr. Rakesh Agrawal, Mr. Girish Agrawal, Mr. Vinod Kumar, Mr. Jitendra Pahelwan, Mr. Sanjay, Mr. Dipak, Mr. Vishal, Mr. Panchayat Singh, Mr. Om Prakash; Mr. Manoj Kumar, Iglas Centre in Charge; BK Hemlata, BK Meena, BK komal, BK Neetu, BK Niraj and many other Members from various Centres were all praiseworthy for their untiring co-operation.

News in Hindi:

हाथरस आनन्दपुर कालोनी ‚ उत्तर प्रदेश :  हाथरस के मेला श्री दाऊजी महाराज में प्रजापिता ब्रहमाकुमारी ईश्वरीय विश्व विदयालय के आनन्दपुरी सेवाकेन्द्र द्वारा पुलिस प्रशासन एवं जनसहभागिता कार्यक्रम का आयोजन किया गया। जिसका शुभारम्भ मंगलायतन विश्व विदयालय के कुलपति प्रोफेसर डॉ० के०वी०एस०एम० कृष्णा‚ पुलिस अधीक्षक सिद्धार्थ शंकर मीणा‚ अपर पुलिस अधीक्षक डॉ० सिद्धार्थ वर्मा‚ पुलिस क्षेत्राधिकारी रामशब्द सिंह‚ कासगंज से पधारीं बी०के० सरोज दीदी‚ बी०के० शान्ता बहिन आदि ने दीप प्रज्जवलित कर किया।
कार्यक्रम में वक्ताओं ने सुधार की प्रक्रिया को स्वयं से आरम्भ करने का आव्हान करने का आव्हान किया। और तनाव मुक्ति के लिए स्वनिरीक्षण पर जोर दिया।

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