Brahma Kumaris Raja Yoga Centre in Moscow Observe World Interfaith Harmony Week


Moscow(Russia): The program “The One Who is Always with Me” in the Russian language was prepared by the Brahma Kumaris centres in Russia, Ukraine, Moldova and Mongolia. This online event was dedicated to the World Interfaith Harmony Week annually observed by the UN.

Representatives of different religions and traditions shared their feelings and thoughts addressing the audience in various forms: in speeches, prayers, songs, poems, paintings. A beautiful program was created with mutual cooperation conveying the message about One God, Who is the Father of one global human family. All the participants of the event became one in their expression of love for God and humanity.

The participants in the program were :

Sudha Rani Gupta (India, Russia), the General Director of the Centre
of Spiritual Development in Moscow, medal holder “The Person of Millennium”

Mrs Eugenia Ursu (Moldova), ambassador of peace, General Secretary of
the Federation of Associations, Centres and Clubs of UNESCO in Moldova

Mrs Anna Chernikova and her daughter Amelia Uzun (Moldova), singers

Mrs Karina Kvazem (Russia), the ambassador of peace, the author of peace-making and educational programmes, the director of the interactive museum complex “Our world yesterday, today, tomorrow, president of the inter-ethnic women’s club “The Commonwealth”

Father Eugeniy Boyko (Ukraine), Greek Catholic priest, the abbot of the Peter and Paul temple in Cozova, Ukraine, creator of the Alley of Kindness

Mr. Akim Salbiyev (North Ossetia, Russia), film director, producer, screen writer, singer, honoured art worker

Mr. Michael Mostov (Russia), stage director, actor, vocalist, teacher of acting skills

Mrs. Valeria Porokhova (Russia, Syria), translator, theologian, well-known for the translation of the Holy Koran from Arabian into Russian

The Baha’i community in Mongolia addressed all the participants of theprogramme with a beautiful message of love and harmony performing beautiful songs and prayers together.

Mr. Arthur Makarov(Russia), theatre and cinema actor, poet, member of the Union of writers of Russia

Mrs. Viktoria Lepko (Russia), theatre and cinema actress, honoured artist of Russia and Poland, writer, poet

Dr. CH. Dambajav, Khamba Lama (Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia), Dashichoiling Monastery

Mr. Pavel Khoroshutin (Russia), musician, song-writer, singer, psychologist

The beautiful paintings by two artists — Mrs. Irina Matsyura
(Russia) and Mrs. Gutiera Prodan (Moldova) — were shown at the
beginning of the programme. Their works are filled with light and deep spiritual meaning, conveying the ideas of peace and universal harmony.

The Presenter of the event was Ms. Elena Titova (Russia), BK student, English and German teacher, interpreter, poet.

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